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How to spell REALTING correctly?

If you've mistakenly written "realting", fear not! Correct suggestions include "relating", which means establishing a connection, and "realigning", which denotes adjusting or readjusting. Choose the right word based on the context to ensure clarity and accuracy in your writing.

List of suggestions on how to spell realting correctly

  • belting She was belting out the lyrics at the top of her lungs during the karaoke party.
  • Felting She spent the weekend felting a cozy blanket for her new niece.
  • halting The halting steps of the injured hiker made them realize they wouldn't make it out of the woods before nightfall.
  • Malting The process of malting is necessary to convert the starches in grains into fermentable sugars for use in brewing.
  • melting The snowman started melting in the warm sunshine.
  • pelting During the storm, rain was pelting against the windows.
  • Rafting I had a great time rafting down the river with my friends.
  • ranting She was ranting about her boss for hours.
  • rating
  • ratting I heard that John was ratting on his colleagues to the boss.
  • reacting I was reacting to the situation in the best way that I could.
  • reading
  • Realizing Realizing her dream of opening her own restaurant took years of hard work and dedication.
  • rebating Rebating is a great way to save money on your purchases.
  • Reciting Reciting the alphabet backwards is a way to learn your name.
  • Reeling After the emotional roller coaster of being dumped, she was reeling.
  • Refuting The researcher spent hours refuting the claims made by the opposing party.
  • Relating Relating to your previous question, I think the best solution would be to consult an expert.
  • Relying Relying on others is sometimes necessary, but it's important to also have independence.
  • renting I am renting a car this vacation.
  • Reputing I am reputing his accusations as false.
  • Resting
  • resulting The team was unable to complete the project on time, resulting in a delay of the product launch.
  • revolting The revolting smell of garbage made me sick.
  • roasting I heard the sound of roasting coming from the oven.
  • salting I am salting the vegetables before adding them to the soup.
  • Welting The welting on the couch cushions added a nice touch of detail to the overall design.

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