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How to Pronounce tantalus?

Correct pronunciation for the word "tantalus" is [tˈantaləs], [tˈantaləs], [t_ˈa_n_t_a_l_ə_s].

Definition of tantalus

  1. A Lydian king, who, being admitted to the banquets of the gods, incurred their displeasure by betraying their secrets, and was condemned in consequence to suffer the constant pangs of hunger and thirst, though he stood up to the chin in water and had ever before him the offer of the choicest fruits, both of which receded from him as he attempted to reach them, while a huge rock hung over him, ever threatening to fall and crush him with its weight; a genus of wading birds. Tantalus-cup, a philosophical toy which amusingly exhibits the principle of the siphon.

Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language By Nuttall, P.Austin

What are the misspellings for tantalus?

What are similar-sounding words for tantalus?

Usage over time for tantalus:

This graph shows how "tantalus" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of tantalus?

The plural of the "tantalus" can be the "tantaluses".

What is the singular form of tantalus?

The singular of the "tantalus" can be the "tantalus".


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