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How to Pronounce visual?

Correct pronunciation for the word "visual" is [vˈɪʒuːə͡l], [vˈɪʒuːə‍l], [v_ˈɪ_ʒ_uː_əl].

Definition of visual

  1. Pertaining to sight; used in sight; serving as the instrument of seeing. Visual angle, the angle under which an object is seen. Visual point, a point in the horizontal line in which the visual rays unite. Visual ray, a line of light supposed to come from a point of the object to the eye.

Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language By Nuttall, P.Austin

What are similar-sounding words for visual?

What is the adjective for visual?

The adjective form of the word "visual" is "visual".

Usage over time for visual:

This graph shows how "visual" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of visual?

The plural of the "visual" can be the "visuals".

What is the singular form of visual?

The singular of the "visual" can be the "visual".

Synonyms for Visual:


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